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[ [File:Airship-Jormungandr.png|thumb|Jormungandr|480px]]

Type TC Battle Cruiser
Class Battle Cruiser
Size XL
Dimention Width: 22 m.
Length: 140 m.

The TC Battle Cruiser is a post-war design ship that came into the story as only the blueprint and the mysterious rebel ship from post-story content.

The design was smuggled into Suthseg and secretly built in the mountain base by the grey belter rebel force since about a year before our story began. It is a gigantic 140 meters long and 22 meters wide ship with consistent width throughout. It has 2 large smokestacks and is powered by a mana combustion engine. It has a few large gun ports instead of many small gun ports like its predecessors and feature some small defense gun ports along the side of the ship. It generates additional life and steer using a few sets of lifting propellers towards the front and the back of the ship. Its main propulsion is a large propeller towards the aft in front of a rudder that steers the ship.