Monarch Eagle

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Monarch Eagle
Type AK Battle Cruiser
Class Battle Cruiser
Size L
Dimention Width: 24 m.
Length: 120 m.

The AK battle cruiser is a large gundeck produced mostly at the start of the war using the same principle that AK shipwrights are proud of, which is building around the large top and bottom masts from gigantic ancient manawood trees.

This ship is a scale-up design of the Falcon Frigate with 120 meters in length and 24 meters at its widest part. The ship has a sleek bow that tapered and expands into a fort then concave in to expand again towards the aft. It has 4 top masts and 3 bottom masts with only a pair of small mana sail towards the aft of the ship. It has one old design mana turbine at the center back of the ship that could turn without the need of a rudder. It features an underside platform that allows crews to operate the undersail safely.